We want to ignite a passion in all of us to follow Jesus, which includes embracing the call to use the gifts, skills and abilities God has trusted to us. We believe God has equipped His church for His work, and we want to connect you to the ways you can serve.

We have many opportunities for you to embrace your calling and serve with one of our ministry teams. From Children's Ministry to Front Door Ministries to Music Ministry, you will see the wide range of contexts and ways in which to serve. 
Please look around and then contact the leader for the ministry in which you would like to volunteer.

Traditional Music Team

If you are gifted musically, and more importantly, have a desire to use your gifts for God's glory, then we would love to have you join our traditional music team. 


Contemporary Music Team

Do you love to worship God while belting out the latest and greatest in popular Christian music? If so, the contemporary music team might be the right ministry team for you!

Bruce Strazza (Alive at Five)
juice30@gmail.com or

Ray Remesch (Sunday 9:15)

Lay Leaders in Worship

Eucharistic Ministers, Chalicists and Readers assist our Priests in Worship Services by reading the Scriptures, serving Communion, or leading the Prayers. If you feel called to do these things, contact the ministry coordinator noted below.


Front Door Ministries

Almost every Sunday is someone's first Sunday at Christ Church Easton. Join a team that has fun creating a welcoming environment for our visitors. Share community with your team and play a significant role in helping someone have a wonderful experience.


Children's Ministry

Our children's ministry introduces children to the gospel of Jesus Christ to help them live their whole lives in response. We walk with them through their spiritual development, help them build Christ-centered relationships, and teach a Bible-centered curriculum.



Acolytes are important additions to the Sunday worship services. They carry the cross and the torches, and assist the Priest with serving communion, If you are ages 9 and up, consider joining the Acolyte Team.  


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild are crucial players in our Worship Services who prepare the altar for Communion and prepare the space for worship. If you are a behind-the-scenes kind of person and want to get involved in this critical ministry, we want to hear from you.  
