Why Our Giving Matters

November 2022


My brothers and sisters in Christ,


We have said it before, and we believe it’s still true: “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” For all the progress that has been made, 2022 was another year of unprecedented challenges for the world, our country, our community, and this church. Despite the difficulties, the glory of God we know in Jesus Christ has been a holy and hopeful light and it has shown forth with goodness and grace.


Change is hard, and its real.  And these are times of change. Most of us have been tested, stressed, and have struggled during these past few years. Few have gotten through the frustration, grief, anxiety, and anger unscathed. Some are exhausted. Some are lonely.  Some are physically sick.  Some are sick in heart and mind and spirit.  It makes clear our need for the goodness of God, and the healing, strength, and peace that comes from God alone.


As with most organizations, it was a demanding year for the church; but it was also a year of important redevelopment. The pandemic forced many changes on us, and the consequences of the new realities continue to be felt and processed; and in fact are still being revealed.  At the same time, the church was at work, coping, retooling, and preparing for its role in the next generation of proclamation.  Great things are happening in the life of the parish.  At the forefront of our effort is the glory of the light of God’s love and the clear call to proclaim and share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


In the coming year this will have much to do with how we build the community of the church as brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.  Our commitment is to rebuild with an eye toward the realities of the day as they address the Gospel needs of the future – and we will learn how best to live God’s love for our own blessing and for the world to see.  A few projects of note:  A search is underway for our next organist.  The Vestry is discussing ways to provide for another priest on staff to assist with worship, pastoral care, and Christian education.  We are moving toward new faith groups for those who are in recovery, for those who suffer grief, and for those in special needs.  We will be working to further structure, staff and develop the virtual/online ministry to maximize its effectiveness.  And there is more.


Good and holy things have been taking, are taking place, and will take place through your witness and work as a community of the Body of Christ. Through the blessing of God, lives are being strengthened, love is being shared, faith is being renewed, and hope is being encouraged.   Out of the dark chaos of distress, a new day is dawning and our church community is being reformed by the Holy Spirit, formed and forged to be an instrument of grace for the challenging times ahead.


Your help is absolutely essential.  Our work is funded mostly by the pledges of parishioners.  And it is your generosity that will make the good work of the church possible and fruitful in 2023.  With your commitment, we will continue to pursue our calling to shine Christ's light for the world to see.


Our Pledge Campaign is underway.  To support the work of the church, please make a pledge using our online form.

Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish  •  111 S. Harrison Street  •  Easton, MD 21601  •  410-822-2677  • www.christchurcheaston.or

Peace, and thank you for your support,

Fr. Bill